Essay Writing
Transition Words for Persuasive Essays
Persuasive essays are those in which you must convince a reader that your position on an issue is the correct one. Thus, you may want to convince an audience that animal testing is immoral or that genetically modified foods are harmful.
Posted by Andy Preisler 20 May 2015
How To Write A Personal Narrative Essay For College
What is a Personal Narrative Essay?
This type of essay requires you to tell a story – a story about yourself. It does not mean that you will be writing your personal autobiography – leave that to celebrities and political figures or someday when you gain fame and fortune.

Posted by Andy Preisler 15 May 2015
An Explanation of the Purpose of a Descriptive Essay
A descriptive essay is written in order to get the reader to understand something through the use of descriptive language. In a narrative essay, the reader is told a story. Through that story, they are able to piece together descriptions of the people, places, items, and events that are discussed. In a descriptive essay, there is no story that is being related to the audience. Students often confuse these two purposes.

Posted by Andy Preisler 04 May 2015
What is the Purpose of a Persuasive Essay?
Everyone understands the definition of the word “persuade.” Basically, it means to attempt to convince someone or a group of someones that a particular position on an issue is the correct one. Thus, car manufacturers attempt to persuade that their models are the best on the market; soft drink makers try to convince us that their products taste the best; even advertises itself as the best dating service on the web.

Posted by Laura Callisen 24 Apr 2015
Boring Essays? Change up Your Transition Words and Phrases for Essays!
What are transitional words for essays? These are words and phrases that provide a logical connection from one phrase, statement, or idea to another.

Posted by Laura Callisen 11 Apr 2015
10 Things I Now Know About Narrative Essay Writing
I always thought I knew how to write a narrative essay. In high school, we wrote a few of them, and I always got good grades, I think, because my grammar and punctuation were excellent. Now I realize that my English teachers really were not grading on style or content and were doing me a dis-service!

Posted by Andy Preisler 23 Dec 2014