Learn How to Write a Rhetorical Analysis Essay with This Easy Guide

posted by Andy Preisler 20 Jun 2022

Every student should learn how to write a rhetorical analysis essay sooner or later. There is no running away from it: one day, college or university will demand this, and you’ll go online hoping to find answers. Our professional writers prepared a guide with crucial details. You’ll learn how to start and finish a rhetorical essay; which format to pick; how to structure it; what unique devices to choose to make it strong.

What is rhetorical essay definition? It is a piece of writing that explores how a writer voices their thoughts in the text they produced. The content doesn’t really matter here: the techniques an author used to make their points are the focus. Do they sound convincing? Do they have the desired impact on the audience, and what is this audience in the first place? Did the writer employ ethos, pathos, logos with good effectiveness? You’ll have to tackle these things when writing such an essay.  If it sounds complicated, don’t worry — we’ll teach you everything!

First Steps on the Way toward Writing Rhetorical Analysis Essay

Creating college essays for sale means that we have experts who specialize in everything related to academics. They are aware of all the rules and can craft a flawless essay. Before you start working on it, think of several aspects. Identify the speaker. Research their background and credentials to understand how reliable they are. Do they have any experience in the subject they are discussing, or are they an amateur? Occasion is important as well. Think about what motivated this particular speech or text.

The next thing to consider before doing rhetorical analysis is audience. Who are they? Does the writer appeal to experts or those who know nothing about the topic of discussion? It’ll play a big role in your work. Purpose is next: what motivated the author to issue this kind of speech? Once you have your answers, think about subject and tone. Is the author’s manner of discussing it professional? Do they use informal words or strive to come across as true experts? Take notes with your thoughts, or just keep them in mind. This could be extremely helpful once you start writing.

Strategies for Writing Strong Rhetorical Essay

To get the best results, students should understand the specifics of rhetorical analysis format. It has three major parts: ethos, logos, pathos. Some students might want to focus on just one of them. That’s all right, but they should mention them no matter what. Let’s define them first. Ethos implies credibility of the author. There are two ways of establishing it: searching for info on independent platforms or gaining it from the text. Does the author introduce themselves in the intro to their speech? This could include listing years of experience in this area, their education level, some personal facts, or anything else proving that they know what they’re talking about. If they don’t mention such details, note this down. In case you want, look for more data on other platforms to see who this author really is. If they are an amateur, it will push your analysis in one direction; if they have enough experience but failed to mention it in their speech, this will have another set of implications.

Logos means logic, and it is an essential part of every rhetorical essay. Check how well the speaker operates proven facts. Do they use numbers or statistics to solidify their points stronger? Are there clear, logical links between the arguments they present, or do they come across as weak or unconvincing? Pathos is all about passion. Some speakers overdo it — this is a bad approach. Still, some emotions must be present because they help establish a common ground with an audience and earn their sympathy. Speakers should appeal to people’s feelings using metaphors, personal stories, etc. You need to analyze how effectively they managed to do that. If you feel overwhelmed with these details at any stage, you could always order custom essay services from our writers. We’ll create a brilliant analysis that will serve as a template showing you how to cope with similar tasks.

How to Write a Rhetorical Analysis: Detailed Tips Outlining Each Step

Now we’ve approached the most important part. You know what elements to focus on, but how does this process go from introduction to conclusion? What is the order of steps for creating an amazing analysis? Have a look and keep these tips close.

  1. Study your text and its author. The first step before writing a rhetorical analysis is reading the text you should analyze. Do it at least twice: study it quickly and then take a closer, more thorough look. What are your impressions? Remember them because other readers will likely have the same thoughts. Decide whether the speech is effective early on and stick to this opinion throughout your analysis.
  2. Answer primary questions in introduction. Rhetorical analysis introduction includes basic info you’ve considered during your primary step. Don’t make this section long, simply share crucial details. Introduce the speaker, explain what topic they are discussing and why; note which strategies they use most. In thesis, point out all three of them, then present your evaluation. It is better to assess each strategy briefly, state your final opinion that you’re going to prove in body paragraphs.
  3. Analyze ethos. Look for rhetorical analysis example to see how other writers start their body paragraphs. Covering ethos usually happens first as readers expect to learn more about the author before hearing what they have to say. Approach this element with precision: describe how the author introduces themselves if this is justified and whether their stated experience is convincing enough to call them an expert on their topic. This body paragraph usually doesn’t take a lot of space; it’s the smallest.
  4. Analyze logos. How to do a rhetorical analysis on logos? By picking every logic-related element from the author’s speech. Tell your readers how often they rely on scientific facts. Do they cite other sources? If so, are these sources strong as well as reliable? Because if the speaker uses simple general claims, their opinions are not credible. The use of graphs strengthens arguments and makes them more comprehensive if they are using a presentation during their speech, too. Statistics are also relevant, and if an author applies them, this is a point in their favor.
  5. Analyze pathos. Rhetorical analysis paragraph dealing with pathos has utmost relevance. People are more responsive when feelings come into play, and targeting them is always beneficial. That’s why such people as politicians frequently use dramatic phrases like “children all over US need our help,” “every time I go to bed, I keep thinking, will I wake up?”, etc. Note: drama doesn’t mean lies or even exaggeration of the real situation. It is simply something emotional and/or sentimental. Your goal is assessing the way an author uses this tactic, then giving examples to your readers.
  6. Make a conclusion. Rhetorical analysis conclusion is an easy but vital part. Here, students sum up their analysis and restate their final opinion. As a suggestion, look at your thesis and rephrase it, expanding your thoughts on some of its elements. Be sure to mention if the text is effective. Briefly discuss why or why not by reminding your audience of what you explored in body paragraphs. Avoid presenting new info because the time for it has passed. Conclusion is only for summarizing everything you have already discussed.

If you need essay writer service to give you more specific examples, you can always hire a personal assistant who will explain how to write a rhetorical essay. GrabMyEssay has a team of such analysts who would be glad to help you. They could write a paper from scratch following your topic, edit or rewrite something you already wrote, proofread it, or even simply point out mistakes and give you advice, performing a grading of a sort. But studying a sample is also good and could bring loads of benefits, and we’re going to share one with you.

What Is a Rhetorical Analysis Essay Outline and Who Needs It

Seeing essay examples done by professional academic writers can boost students’ understanding of a task they are facing. Since our team strives to be helpful in every way, both to our customers and to simple visitors, we thought it’d be great to offer a sample. We won’t be writing an entire essay, but we’ll demonstrate what an outline should look like. Many people underestimate it, thinking that outlines are a waste of time, but this isn’t true. They help writers stay on the course and follow the ideas they decide on from the start.

There are plenty of rhetorical analysis examples, but for our sample, we selected Mary Fisher’s speech called “A Whisper of AIDS”. Look at this approximate outline. It lists the name of the section and key sentences for it.

Introduction: Introducing a speaker and their speech

Mary Fisher is a mother of two children who contracted HIV from her husband. Watching discrimination that all HIV and AIDS communities face inspired her to become a political activist, and she gained a lot of popularity in this sphere. Her speech “A Whisper of AIDS” is one of the most popular ones.

Thesis: Major essay aim to show how to write rhetorical analysis on this topic

Fisher effectively uses ethos, pathos, and logos by using personal experience with HIV, passionate proclamations, and statistics, all of which make her speech powerful.

Body Paragraph 1: Analyzing ethos

Mary Fisher has HIV, and she starts her speech with the words “I have come tonight to bring our silence to an end.” The use of “our” relates her with the community who has AIDS: it means she has experience with the issues people like this are facing. With this, the use of ethos tactic is efficient because this speaker understands what she is discussing.

Body Paragraph 2: How to start a rhetorical analysis essay with pathos

Mary Fisher uses various dramatic words and expressions to convey the severity of her situation to her audience. Adjectives and adverbs help here a lot, just as emotional appeals. Elements like “brutally clear,” “stunning grief,” “they are human, they have not earned cruelty” are examples of pathos. Other examples include the situations Fisher describes. She’s talking about black children dying in the hospitals, homeless people who have no hope of salvation, etc. This makes the audience sad and emotional.

Body Paragraph 3: Starting analysis of logos

Experience and emotions are not the only things Mary Fisher incorporates. She also applies logos by including different numbers and statistics to make her point clear. As she says, “Two hundred thousand Americans are dead or dying,” “A million more are infected,” “forty million, sixty million, or a hundred million infections” will appear in the future if nothing changes in the society. The problem with her usage of logos is that she doesn’t cite her sources. Audience has no way of knowing if her claims are true because she does not say where she got them from. Logos also takes the smallest part of this speech.

Conclusion: Wrapping things up

Mary Fisher showed herself as an efficient speaker since she used all three elements that make speeches powerful, including ethos, pathos, and logos. Logos is less efficient but the speaker conveys her points in a moving and justified way.

You won’t necessarily need the same detailed outline. GrabMyEssay created it for your benefit mostly. You could include only one key sentence under each section to remember what you were planning to discuss.

Tips for Creating a Strong Rhetorical Analysis Essay

Still wondering how to write a rhetorical analysis essay? GrabMyEssay has a set of tips that every student will find useful. Take a look, keep this list close to you once you start working, and apply them to your writing. You’ll see how much easier this process becomes when you know what to do!

  • Select an appropriate writing style. See rhetorical essay example for figuring out the ideal writing approach. If you’re writing a paper for college, use professional formal language to demonstrate the richness of your vocabulary. An analysis is a responsible task. Show yourself as an expert: do not use contractions, rely on direct examples, make your thought process clear and create appropriate transitions. Avoid first-person pronouns unless your professor is allowed to use them! Approach the analysis from a third-person perspective, maintaining distant objectivity.
  • Use present tense unless required otherwise. In a rhetorical analysis of a speech or its text, you’re dealing with the current situation. It doesn’t matter whether this speech appeared a day or 100 years ago, you’re immersing yourself in it and exploring it as if it is happening at the moment. Of course, some exceptions might take place, so we suggest clarifying this with your professor. In some cases, the past tense is also welcome.
  • Craft strong thesis. Thesis is a part of rhetorical analysis essay introduction that you can’t do without. It is a statement of purpose, the voicing of your main aim for this essay. Thesis should be specific but all-encompassing at the same time. Never use redundant phrases like “in this analysis, such topics as…” or “this analysis is going to…” Cut straight to the chase: state which tactics an author used to each extent, voice your opinion of their effectiveness. You can see the example of thesis above, in the sample section.
  • Separate your paper into clear sections. When talking about how to write rhetorical analysis essay, we pointed out that introduction, thesis, body, and conclusion are the essential parts. Students should define them clearly. Intro and conclusion must not exceed 10% of a word count overall, and consist of just one section ideally. Thesis must be persuasive and strong: it is the last sentence of introduction. Conclusion requires summary of your claims and restatement of your thesis. Body sections should have no more than 200 words each and no less than 3 sentences. Opening sentences present a general claim outlining the central idea of the section; closing sentences — conclude all info you discussed in it.
  • Lead your arguments back to text. Another essential rule of writing a rhetorical analysis essay is to tie everything to a speech you’re analyzing. It might be tempting to deviate from your topic and start discussing the subject matter itself, but this would be a huge mistake. You should concentrate on how an author is conveying information, not on what they are conveying. It is not your job to evaluate the contents of research or author’s speculations — focus on their methods, writing style, format, and effectiveness.
  • Edit and proofread your work. After you’re done with your paper, give it a rest, wait for several hours, then start editing everything. Check rhetorical analysis structure: is your text coherent? Does it follow academic rules and standards? Perhaps some points are weaker than others. You could have forgotten to explore an idea in-depth or even skip over logos or ethos by accident. Naturally, grammar mistakes, punctuation, and other language issues matter as well. Try reading the text aloud — it could help notice mistakes or typos you missed. This task might seem boring and an unnecessary hassle, but trust us, it is going to be worth it. Even the best writers stumble upon ridiculous errors during editing, unable to believe they made them. Attentiveness increases your chances of getting a satisfying grade.
  • Ask for help if facing any difficulties. At times, rhetorical analysis essay examples are not enough, and people still need help. There is nothing shameful about it. Some students prefer to pay for essay because they want to rely on experts and their professionalism. Others contact their professors or apply to college writing centers, asking them for assistance. Even offering your friend or classmate to switch your papers and check them is a good idea — several pairs of eyes could catch mistakes quicker and voice criticism early on, giving writers a chance to correct any problems. Remember that you could also ask an expert academic company for editing or proofreading, or even rewriting. GrabMyEssay in particular covers all these options.

By following these tips, you’ll learn how to write a rhetorical analysis introduction, body, and conclusion quickly. If you have any questions, drop us a line and tell us what the problem is. We could offer a more personal input or do the work in your stead.

Useful info: Buy reaction paper from experts who can deal with any requirements for this type of paper.

Analyze Someone’s Speech and Write a Killer Essay

Sound advice is the best weapon against a lack of knowledge or experience. We shared various strategies of how to craft strong papers; we provided an example of rhetorical analysis essay and produced a list of helpful tips. Read them closely, especially once you start writing. Consult them if you forgot something, and very soon, you’ll have a great essay on your hands.

But if this still isn’t enough and you need a more direct sample, it’s never an issue. Contact our company, tell operators what you want or fill an order form with details about your assignment straight away. Our writers create the most compelling rhetorical analysis essays, and helping you will be their treat.

Andy Preisler

Blog writer for GrabMyEssay

Andy Preisler


Hey there!

I’m Andy Preisler, and I’m super happy to be joining the blog team at GrabMyEssay.com!

While I hail from Fayetteville, Arkansas (I know, not the most progressive state!), I left the Southern life behind me many years ago when I went to college for my first degree. I’ve received it in University of Arkansas, Fayetteville and I’m really proud of this. Since then, I have studied in the U.S., and later on, continued my education in Loughborough University, UK, where I actually my second Bachelor’s Degree along the way.

With my perpetual studies (my parents wonder if it will ever stop), I have become a bit of an expert on college life – academic, social, and financial – and love sharing my experiences and my methods of “circumventing the system” with others.  I will be sharing all of these great tips and strategies with my readers, so stay tuned!

When I am not blogging or enrolling in some new course that interests me, I am backpacking through Europe and staying in hostels, working on my second novel (a riveting murder mystery), and pursuing my interest in music. Yes, I travel with my guitar, and you would be amazed at the amount of cash I can accumulate, just performing on the streets of European cities (they are so much more tolerant of vagabond musicians). 

My other passion is environmental. In my short 27 years of life on this planet, I have witnessed the extinction of species, the destruction of rain forests, and irreparable harm to our oceans. I contribute both time and money to several international environmental organizations, because we all must do our part to save Mother Earth.

But I digress! If you are interested in the “ins and outs” of college life, and want some great tales of navigating through the game of “degree attainment,” as well as tips for easing the pain of those pesky essay and paper assignments, follow my blog!

I would love to hear from you, to give you advice, and to lend a listening ear. You can contact me at andy.preisler@gmail.com anytime! And follow my posts – you won’t be disappointed!

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