Need Creative Nursing Research Paper Topics? Choose between 100 Options!

posted by Laura Callisen 14 Nov 2022
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To write a great nursing essay, you’re going to need an outstanding nursing research paper topic. The principle is simple: when you love what you write, you end up creating something that your audience will love. Passion and interest are always palpable, so if your professor allows you to pick your own theme, go for it. Some students lack inspiration, but it’s not the end of the world. Our service lets you buy research paper or find a stimulating topic completely for free. Learn more about your choices, see useful strategies, and we guarantee that writing will become a much more pleasant process!

Top Tips for Writing Strong Essays

The variety of nursing research topics means students have a chance to create mostly original works that would wow their readers. But first, you need to understand how to write awesome papers.

GrabMyEssay team prepared four solid tips.

  1. Choose a topic you like. Students need to enjoy the subject they’re exploring. Find a great topic based on your interests, and this guarantees to make your paper look and sound interesting. Remember the golden rule: if you enjoy reading it, chances are, so will other people.
  2. Do detailed research. Read articles or book excerpts to get great nursing research ideas. Save sources that meet your goals and are credible enough to support your arguments. They should be relatively new. Professors prefer articles created within the last 5 years. The only exceptions are cases where students explore a background of a problem and review its evolution.
  3. Check samples out. Look at efficient nursing essay samples to see what your paper must look like. This could give you ideas and inspiration. Our collection is big, free of charge, and it represents high-quality papers on every possible topic. We suggest checking out structure, topics, ideas, sources, and ways of presenting information — this could help you with your papers.
  4. Write and edit your work. Make an outline for having clearer ideas; after you finish writing, read your text. You must like it, and it should sound interesting to your own ears. If you notice mistakes or some parts sound too boring, don’t be too lazy to correct them. In most cases, you aren’t being too hard on yourself and an essay actually has problems. It’s better to remove them personally rather than rely on professors who’ll take your points. Another solution is asking a reliable writing service like ours for help. We edit, proofread, and rewrite papers in addition to crafting them from scratch.

There are other smaller strategies emanating from these, but they aren’t as important. Be attentive, love your topic, and you won’t have any problems with your nursing essay writing even if you’re doing it on your own. In case of any issues, drop us a line.

How Do I Choose a Perfect Nursing Topic?

Numerous students have no idea where they could find topics for their papers. But the answer is closer than you think! First, try going through the mental list outlining your interests. What do you like about nursing? If it is your major, why did you pick it? What area makes you want to engage in deep explorations and do research? If nothing comes to mind, try looking through your browser history. We’re sure you searched for a topic of interest once or twice recently. Finally, you could find argumentative essay topics on sites like GrabMyEssay. They are free and diverse, exactly what you need!

Newest 100 Nursing Research Paper Topics

We prepared ten categories with ten topics in each. Have a look. We’re certain you’ll find what you’re searching for.

Critical Care Nursing Research Topics

The most acute cases require urgent help. If this is the area you like, check related topics.

1) Main Rules of Conduct in Intensive Care Unit
2) Rules Regulating Visits to Critically Ill Patients
3) Nurses’ Role in Providing Critical Care
4) Should Practice Be Evidence-Based in Intensive Unites?
5) Common Reasons for Admitting Difficult Patients
6) Rates of Survival among Critical Patients in Specific Hospitals
7) Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia  
8) How Long Should Blood Be Stored
9) Making Blood Transfusions Safe
10) Contact with Families of Critical Patients: Reassure or Tell the Truth?

Child Nursing Topics

Taking care of children differs from other medical services. Explore these nuances personally.

11) Why Children Require Extra Care
12) Main Differences in Caring for Children vs. Adults
13) Managing Stomach Pain in Children
14) Facing Terminal Child Illnesses
15) How Parents’ Habits Affect Children
16) Where Are Children the Healthiest? Statistics
17) Most Dangerous Age for a Child
18) Cases of Unknown Diagnoses in Children
19) Noticing Abuse: Checklist
20) How to Comfort a Child Who Fears Blood or Pain?

Adult Nursing Essay Topics

Adults are another separate group of patients. Research how to best meet their needs.

21) Cardiology Problems in Young Adults
22) Biggest Health Problem among This Population
23) When Do Migraines Commonly Occur?
24) Obesity across Countries
25) When Does Pregnancy Cause Danger?
26) At What Age do Teeth Problems Appear?
27) Telling Adult They Have Terminal Illnesses
28) Essential Check-Ups
29) Helping Patients Cope with Amputation
30) Importance of Physical Exercise

Pediatric Nursing Paper Topics

Watching so that children of different ages remained safe and got treatment before complications develop is a job in the work pediatric unit. Learn more about it.

31) When Antibiotics Become Acceptable
32) Pediatric Ethics Basics
33) ADHD Diagnosis in Children
34) How Often Do Measles Result in Complications?
35) Diagnosing Cancer in Children Early  
36) When Child Obesity Becomes Dangerous
37) Recognizing Pneumonia in Children
38) When Are Children Malnourished?
39) How Often Should Children Visit a Doctor?
40) Cases When Hospitalization Is Required

Primary Healthcare Research Topics in Nursing

First contacts with patients are essential. It’s a unique sector with a range of themes.

41) What Skills Are Essential in This Sector?
42) Services That Fall into Primary Group
43) Accessibility of Primary Care in the US
44) Is Immunization Dangerous for Anyone?
45) When Is Drug Treatment Necessary?
46) Challenges to Primary Care in Certain Hospital
47) Servicing Clients with Disabilities
48) What Is Family-Centered Care?
49) Primary Health work in Underdeveloped Countries
50) Five Quality Indicators of Successful Primary Care

Elderly Care Nursing Research Topic Ideas

Elderly deserve special care. Find out what themes are most relevant here.

51) Bone Fragility in Elderly
52) Dealing with Unwarranted Demands from Such Patients
53) Difficulty of Serving Old People in England
54) Why Elderly Deserve Specially Trained Nurses
55) Common Problems of 60+ People
56) How to Engage Families in Caring for Older People?
57) Mortality Rates of Adults vs. Elderly During Surgeries
58) Serving Foreign Elderly with Culture Barrier
59) Making House Safe for Older People
60) How to Help Disabled Elderly Who Live Alone?

Midwifery Research Topics for Nursing Students

Giving birth is the most memorable event. Midwives are essential in this sphere.

61) Birth Complications in Smoking Mothers
62) Poorest Child Birth Rates in the World: Statistics
63) How Rich Should Families with 3+ Children Be for Meeting Their Health
64) Nurses’ Role During Birth
65) Abuse of Mothers by Nurses
66) Cases of Child Swapping After Birth  
67) How Midwifery Evolved Starting with Ancient Ages
68) Crucial Drugs and Treatments a Midwife Should Know
69) Three Main Rules of Conduct with Mothers Who Are Giving Birth
70) Ways of Helping a Child Be Born

Mental Health Nursing Topics for Research

Every person experiences mental health issues to different extents. You might be among them, which will make your research even more interesting.

71) Three Prominent Mental Health Issues in Modern Times
72) How Did COVID19 Affect Mental Health of Different Groups of People?
73) When Is It Acceptable to Issue Antidepressants to a Patient?
74) Therapy for Children Who Identify as LGBTQ+ and Face Related Problems
75) Five Common Reasons Behind Suicides in China in 2022
76)  Which Country Statistically Has the Biggest Number of Mental Health Patients?
77) Does Mental Health Therapy Work on Every Person?
78) Where Does Bipolar Disorder Come From?
79) Is Psychopathy a Mental Health Problem? Why and Why Not?
80) Non-Drug Ways of Improving a Person’s Negative Mental State

Women's Health Good Nursing Research Topics

With discrimination against women, many topics are taboo. Oppose stereotypes by exploring one of them.

81) What Problems Do Women Face in Healthcare Compared to Men?
82) Countries with Highest Death Rates of Women due to Health Issues
83) Strategies for Helping a Woman Overcome Awkwardness During Invasive
84) Old vs. Modern Views on Women’s Health and Treatment Possibilities
85) Signs of Abuse in Women and How Nurses Should Respond
86) Regular Check-ups and Their Necessity for Women
87) How Many Women Avoid Experts like Gynecologists Out of Shyness and How
Can Nurses Help?
88) Types of Discrimination Females Still Face in Hospitals
89) How Bad Mental Health Affects Physical Health in Women
90) Could Nurses Help Female Patients Find Individual Doctors and Why?

Health Promotion Interesting Nursing Research Topics

Everyone can promote health, but how to do that effectively? Find answers in your own research.

91) Tactics Health Promoters Use in America
92) Who Benefits from Health Promotion Most?
93) Costs vs. Efficiency of Health Promotion: Nurses’ Perspective
94) Difference Between Interesting vs. Annoying Promotion
95) Nurses as Primary Promoters of Health
96) Strategies for Ensuring That Every Person Knows about the Importance of Washing Hands
97) Health Promotion Methods That Have Become Outdated
98) Are Billboards Efficient in Conveying Information to All Patients at Once?
99) Why Do Some People Refuse to Listen to Nurses: Literature Review
100) Does Wearing Marks Really Protect from Viruses such as Covid?

Grab Free Nursing Topics for Producing Excellent Results

After studying the list of more than 100 nursing argumentative essay topics, you probably found the right one. Does it inspire you? Does it encourage you to start research, learn more and share this info with others? If the answer is yes, then you made the right choice. Enjoy exploring something you truly love! If you run into any problems with your essay, contact us ASAP. We could give you a hand any time. Explain your task, describe the problem, and we’ll solve it by producing an original essay tailored to your unique demands!

Laura Callisen

Blog writer for GrabMyEssay


Hello there! I am Laura Callisen, and I fancy myself to be a modern “Renaissance person.” I suppose my 30-something self began my incredible journey after having been born in Stavanger, Norway and then immigrating to the U.S. (Utah, actually) at the age of 5. I am certain that this change was more of a cultural “shock” for my parents than for me, because I quickly mastered the language and was clever enough to “play the game” of public education in America. After graduating from Skyline High School, where I spent two years as the school newspaper editor, obtaining a Bachelor’s degree in English and journalism from the University of Utah was a natural culmination of my love for writing.

My inclination to be socially conscious led me to lots of community outreach and volunteering during my college years, especially in the areas of educational and housing improvement for the poor and a number of environmental crusades. My passion for philosophy and travel have now taken over, and I am enthralled with the widely varied value systems of all cultures in which I can immerse myself, if only temporarily. My life as a freelance writer allows a freedom I never want to sacrifice for a stuffy office!

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