Creative Writing Prompts Examples That you Looked For

posted by Laura Callisen 22 Apr 2015
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A lot of essay assignments leave options for students within generalized topic and type areas. For example, an instructor may simply say, “Write a persuasive essay on the topic of immigration reform.” The student is then left to identify a smaller topic within that general area, formulate an opinion on it, and then conduct the research and produce the essay. One of the most common practices for students in this situation is to Google essay writing prompts and tips using the topic area keyword in the search term. This will no doubt bring up a number of sites that provide topics and prompts. To save you the time searching, here are some great prompts for all types of essays on a variety of topics, that you might find compelling enough for an essay.

Essay Prompts When You Need an Opinion – Persuasive and Argumentative

  1. How has the Supreme Court “Citizens United” Decision Changed Elections?
  2. The current RFRA Acts (Religious Freedom Restorations Acts) are an attempt to discriminate against the LGBT community.
  3. Deportation of all illegal immigrants is unrealistic and another method must be found to incorporate them into American economic society.
  4. The science of eugenics has moved faster than our ability to establish ethical policy measures.
  5. America has far too many citizens incarcerated and part of this is due to the privatization of prisons.
  6. Normalizing relations with Cuba is will help move that country in the direction of democracy and capitalism
  7. Student loan debt has reached a crisis point, and measures must be taken to reduce interest and lower college costs.
  8. Election spending has become obscene and election financial reforms must be made immediately.
  9. Our tax code is antiquated and complex, with the major burden falling on the middle class.
  10. Helicopter parenting is reducing the ability of children to become independent
  11. Bullying has reached epidemic levels and both schools and social media must act to counteract its occurrence
  12. Parents who refuse to vaccinate their children put all of us at risk
  13. Police overreach has racial overtones
  14. Our justice system is two-tiered: one tier for the affluent and one tier for the poor
  15. Prison sentences for felony marijuana possession ruin peoples’ lives

Any writing prompt from the above list will allow you to take a stand and find a great deal of information and data to support whichever side you take for your argument.

Prompts for Writing for Other Essay Types

One of the most challenging essays that students write are for admissions to undergraduate programs, to graduate/professional programs, and for scholarships. For undergraduate admissions, students may choose to use the Common Application, and there are 5 writing prompts for college essay writing. These prompts have remained the same for the past several years and can be found with a simple Internet search. Students who plan to use the common application process should access these prompts during their junior years in high school, so that they have ample time to reflect on each prompt and to decide on the one that best fits their experiences and circumstances. In general, these prompts will ask you to describe personal experiences that have shaped you in some way, to speak to your values and how those values were developed, etc. Admissions essays for graduate school programs are usually multiple, and will ask students to speak to values, potential contributions to the academic communities they hope to enter, leadership experiences, etc. Scholarship essay prompts will often correlate to the same prompts as for admissions essays, although students will need to persuade decision-makers of their need, explain their career goals, etc.  All of these essays must be highly unique and engaging, for the competition is tough, and a student will want an essay that truly stands out among those of other candidates.

Creative Writing Prompts

Often, in an English comp class, instructors will assign creative essays – they may be of a wide variety of types, but the goal is for the student to practice finding unique topics and methods of expression that may be humorous, poignant, satirical, etc. If such an assignment should face a student who is not particularly creative, has come up with some college writing prompts that might be fun for a creative writing essay.

  1. Describe a “first” in your life.
  2. Create a short story in 30 sentences
  3. Chose an obituary notice from the newspaper and write a story about the person
  4. Write a letter to an estranged friend or family member
  5. You wake up the opposite sex
  6. Describe your dream job in full detail
  7. Describe a unique way to quit a job you hate
  8. Create the most outlandish story for your professor for why you missed class
  9. Start a story with the line, “We are again on the run.”
  10. Pick a photo from somewhere and write a story about it

If you have difficulty writing any type of essay, based upon prompts you are given, you are welcome to come aboard the ship for some help. You can say, “Please write and type my essay for me,” on any topic and we will find the perfect “crew member” for the task. Our “ship” sails 24 hour a day, 7 days a week!

Laura Callisen

Blog writer for GrabMyEssay


Hello there! I am Laura Callisen, and I fancy myself to be a modern “Renaissance person.” I suppose my 30-something self began my incredible journey after having been born in Stavanger, Norway and then immigrating to the U.S. (Utah, actually) at the age of 5. I am certain that this change was more of a cultural “shock” for my parents than for me, because I quickly mastered the language and was clever enough to “play the game” of public education in America. After graduating from Skyline High School, where I spent two years as the school newspaper editor, obtaining a Bachelor’s degree in English and journalism from the University of Utah was a natural culmination of my love for writing.

My inclination to be socially conscious led me to lots of community outreach and volunteering during my college years, especially in the areas of educational and housing improvement for the poor and a number of environmental crusades. My passion for philosophy and travel have now taken over, and I am enthralled with the widely varied value systems of all cultures in which I can immerse myself, if only temporarily. My life as a freelance writer allows a freedom I never want to sacrifice for a stuffy office!

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