
How to Organize a Compare and Contrast Essay
The process of writing a compare and contrast that is well-written and effectively organized begins before you ever put pen to paper. In order to stay organized and to present your ideas effectively, you must first understand the features to be included in a compare and contrast essay. From a structural point of view, there isn’t much different about a compare and contrast essay and other varieties of essays.
How to Organize a Compare and Contrast Essay
Posted by Laura Callisen 26 Jun 2015
First Person Essay
Such type of an essay requires require selecting a life experience that will be interesting to readers and relevant to the course. Most students will agree that the more difficult parts of writing a first person essay are topic selection and use of descriptive language.
First Person Essay
Posted by Laura Callisen 19 Jun 2015
The Autobiographical Narrative Essay
The autobiographical assignments never get old, since everytime the essay is different - there is no story alike. At the same time students stumble upon waht to write and/or how to present it. Just like always has developed a path way to follow on this type of assignment.
The Autobiographical Narrative Essay
Posted by Laura Callisen 17 Jun 2015
100 Unique Narrative Essay Topics
Can’t come up with an idea for a narrative essay? This post has lots of interesting narrative essay topics on any subject.
100 Unique Narrative Essay Topics
Posted by Laura Callisen 03 Jun 2015
Narrative Essay Vs Descriptive Essay
It is really easy to confuse the narrative and the descriptive essay, because they are so often intertwined. Think of the last novel or short story you read. There was a plot – that was the narrative. Then, there were passages that provided descriptions of people, places, things, or events that appealed to our senses and gave us good “pictures” in our minds.
Narrative Essay Vs Descriptive Essay
Posted by Laura Callisen 29 May 2015
100 Unique Cause and Effect Essay Topics
Cause and effect essay topics to make student’s lives easier. Choose any topic you like and write a perfect paper.
100 Unique Cause and Effect Essay Topics
Posted by Laura Callisen 27 May 2015
Transition Words for Persuasive Essays
Persuasive essays are those in which you must convince a reader that your position on an issue is the correct one. Thus, you may want to convince an audience that animal testing is immoral or that genetically modified foods are harmful.
Transition Words for Persuasive Essays
Posted by Andy Preisler 20 May 2015
How To Write A Personal Narrative Essay For College
What is a Personal Narrative Essay? This type of essay requires you to tell a story – a story about yourself. It does not mean that you will be writing your personal autobiography – leave that to celebrities and political figures or someday when you gain fame and fortune.
How To Write A Personal Narrative Essay For College
Posted by Andy Preisler 15 May 2015
Unique Research Paper Topic Ideas
Getting started on research paper assignments means first choosing a topic. Obviously, the topic has to relate in some way to the coursework, although sometimes in an English comp class, you will have total freedom in topic selection. And, as long as you will be spending hours and hours conducting research and writing about a topic, your first step should be selecting a one that interests you.
Unique Research Paper Topic Ideas
Posted by Laura Callisen 13 May 2015
An Explanation of the Purpose of a Descriptive Essay
A descriptive essay is written in order to get the reader to understand something through the use of descriptive language. In a narrative essay, the reader is told a story. Through that story, they are able to piece together descriptions of the people, places, items, and events that are discussed. In a descriptive essay, there is no story that is being related to the audience. Students often confuse these two purposes.
An Explanation of the Purpose of a Descriptive Essay
Posted by Andy Preisler 04 May 2015

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