Laura Callisen
Laura Callisen


Hello there! I am Laura Callisen, and I fancy myself to be a modern “Renaissance person.” I suppose my 30-something self began my incredible journey after having been born in Stavanger, Norway and then immigrating to the U.S. (Utah, actually) at the age of 5. I am certain that this change was more of a cultural “shock” for my parents than for me, because I quickly mastered the language and was clever enough to “play the game” of public education in America. After graduating from Skyline High School, where I spent two years as the school newspaper editor, obtaining a Bachelor’s degree in English and journalism from the University of Utah was a natural culmination of my love for writing.

My inclination to be socially conscious led me to lots of community outreach and volunteering during my college years, especially in the areas of educational and housing improvement for the poor and a number of environmental crusades. My passion for philosophy and travel have now taken over, and I am enthralled with the widely varied value systems of all cultures in which I can immerse myself, if only temporarily. My life as a freelance writer allows a freedom I never want to sacrifice for a stuffy office!

My Articles

MLA Research Paper Format: Ultimate Guide for Students
This ultimate guide teaches you everything you need to know about the MLA writing style. It covers the basics of the MLA research paper format and gives instructions on how to write it properly.
Posted by Laura Callisen 27 Oct 2021
Research Paper Outline Step-by-Step Guide
Constructing a good research paper outline just makes sense. It keeps your ideas organized, lets you present your information, ideas or opinions in a logical order, and help you make sure you have not left anything out. If you write a research paper without using an outline, your paper is pretty much doomed to be dis-organized, and professors tend to hate dis-organization.
Posted by Laura Callisen 27 Oct 2021
How to Write a Conclusion for a Research Paper: Tips & Strategies
It is not easy to do research work. The process is tedious and complicated if you get it right, and you really need to get it right if you want to write a solid research paper. Taking every step is absolutely necessary
Posted by Laura Callisen 21 Oct 2021
How to Write a Dissertation Abstract: Detailed Guide with Clear Steps
We’ve prepared a detailed guide on how you could start with your dissertation abstract. With a step-by-step guide, it will be easier to put your thoughts on paper.
Posted by Laura Callisen 23 Sep 2021
How to Write a Dissertation: Guide With 10 Crucial Steps
Wonder how to write a dissertation? Use these 10 steps and write an excellent dissertation easily.
Posted by Laura Callisen 06 Aug 2021
100 Creative And Interesting Argumentative Essay Topics
Check out our list of great argumentative essay topics when you don’t know how to impress your professor with an interesting argumentative paper.
Posted by Laura Callisen 15 Jul 2021
How to Write a Good Argumentative Essay Introduction
When your professor assigned it to you, you may have had the urge to debate on the intricacies of an argumentative essay. What is it? Why do you need to write it? And how are you going to accomplish it?
Posted by Laura Callisen 01 Dec 2016
U.S. History Research Paper Topics
The United States is so rich in history and culture making it very interesting to study and consequently one of the top research paper topics for college students. Research papers on recent events though, especially in the 20th century, can be quite hard to write with the lack of perspective and the differing opinions of experts with regard to the events.
Posted by Laura Callisen 20 Oct 2016
25 Problem-Solution Essay Topics to Help Students
Do you spend countless hours trying to look for the best problem-solution essay topics? Why bite your nails so much when problems are so many around you? Brainstorming for the best idea can be hectic I agree. This is especially the case when you have lots of ideas to choose from. Basically, problem solution essays identify a problem which you try to solve. The only thing here is that you defend or argue for a set course of action and counter-argue against the others. When you have so many topics to talk about, choose what you’re passionate about and it will be super-easy for you to develop a substantial argument for it. Let’s take a quick look at some of the most interesting problem solution essay topics for students.
Posted by Laura Callisen 23 Sep 2016
Problem-Solution Essay
Problem-solution essays are those compositions that put into consideration the problem of a certain phenomenon or situation and try to provide possible solutions to those problems. They usually contain 4 major components which include: situation or circumstance, the problem, solution and evaluation. The situation or the statement of the problem is usually encompassed in the introduction of the essay while the evaluation is done as a part of the conclusion. These types of essays are usually related to cause and effect essays as they almost share the same structure.
Posted by Laura Callisen 16 Sep 2016

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