Laura Callisen
Laura Callisen


Hello there! I am Laura Callisen, and I fancy myself to be a modern “Renaissance person.” I suppose my 30-something self began my incredible journey after having been born in Stavanger, Norway and then immigrating to the U.S. (Utah, actually) at the age of 5. I am certain that this change was more of a cultural “shock” for my parents than for me, because I quickly mastered the language and was clever enough to “play the game” of public education in America. After graduating from Skyline High School, where I spent two years as the school newspaper editor, obtaining a Bachelor’s degree in English and journalism from the University of Utah was a natural culmination of my love for writing.

My inclination to be socially conscious led me to lots of community outreach and volunteering during my college years, especially in the areas of educational and housing improvement for the poor and a number of environmental crusades. My passion for philosophy and travel have now taken over, and I am enthralled with the widely varied value systems of all cultures in which I can immerse myself, if only temporarily. My life as a freelance writer allows a freedom I never want to sacrifice for a stuffy office!

My Articles

Guide On Writing a Self-Introduction Essay
We all learned how to write a self-introduction essay in elementary school. Granted, these were pretty simplistic little pieces. Usually a teacher, at the beginning of the school year, wanted to know a little bit about his/her students and asked them to write a little bit about themselves – what was their favorite TV show, what hobbies or activities they participated in, what was their favorite subject, etc.
Posted by Laura Callisen 30 Oct 2015
Funny Argumentative Essay Topics – Choose to be Different
When students are assigned an argumentative essay, their first thoughts are to think about some of the really controversial issues of today – immigration, abortion, health care, animal rights, the environment, and so on. And these are all great topic ideas for argumentative essays. They are also very common, and an instructor is likely to get several on the same topic.
Posted by Laura Callisen 13 Oct 2015
Descriptive Essay Prompts and Writing Tips
What is the purpose of a descriptive essay? If you have been given a descriptive essay assignment, your job is to write an essay that evokes clear and interesting images in the minds of your readers. The purpose of this posting is to provide descriptive essay tips, descriptive essay prompts, and other helpful advice on writing descriptive essays. Let’s get started!
Posted by Laura Callisen 17 Aug 2015
How To Write A Descriptive Essay About A Person
The is something about the personal essays - sometimes they are referred to as “character sketches.” But it is difficult to learn how to write a descriptive essay about a person, because we really do not read them often. We get “pictures” in our heads about characters in a piece of fiction over many pages of writing; and most non-fiction does not entail character sketches.
Posted by Laura Callisen 05 Aug 2015
The Compare and Contrast Essay Prompts
Apples and oranges; dogs and cats; spring and fall. These were a few of the topics we were given for a compare and contrast essay as kids in primary school. We made two columns and listed their similarities and their differences, and then we wrote two paragraphs. My thoughts about this type of essay back then were that they were really easy to write. I no longer think that.
Posted by Laura Callisen 29 Jul 2015
Definition Essay Topic Ideas On Any Subject
You would think that the sheer number of definition essay ideas, and topic ideas for many other types of essays that selecting one would be easy. Unfortunately, in all too many cases, this is not true. Instead, the process becomes even more daunting. It is almost as if the amount of persuasive, research, narrative, and definition essay ideas makes picking ideas for these essay types, including definition essay topic ideas an overwhelming task.
Posted by Laura Callisen 13 Jul 2015
Controversial Research Paper Topics For Students
On one hand, writing a research paper on a controversial subject can be very interesting. For the most part, people enjoy writing about things when they have a strong opinion. People also tend to enjoy reading about controversial topics. On the other hand, however, it is very possible to become overly biased when writing and to alienate your reading audience.
Posted by Laura Callisen 06 Jul 2015
How to Organize a Compare and Contrast Essay
The process of writing a compare and contrast that is well-written and effectively organized begins before you ever put pen to paper. In order to stay organized and to present your ideas effectively, you must first understand the features to be included in a compare and contrast essay. From a structural point of view, there isn’t much different about a compare and contrast essay and other varieties of essays.
Posted by Laura Callisen 26 Jun 2015
First Person Essay
Such type of an essay requires require selecting a life experience that will be interesting to readers and relevant to the course. Most students will agree that the more difficult parts of writing a first person essay are topic selection and use of descriptive language.
Posted by Laura Callisen 19 Jun 2015
The Autobiographical Narrative Essay
The autobiographical assignments never get old, since everytime the essay is different - there is no story alike. At the same time students stumble upon waht to write and/or how to present it. Just like always has developed a path way to follow on this type of assignment.
Posted by Laura Callisen 17 Jun 2015

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