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Freshman (College 1st year) ・Business ・Harvard

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The event took place in the Glasgow Children's Hospital on 23 February 2017. The objective of the organization or event was to raise funds for children with financial difficulties in order to grow up to mature people in a healthy environment. Due to the dedication, planning and commitment of the first team that included i as the team leader this event was a success.
The overall mission of this event was to raise awareness, create positive differences, opportunities, skills and job opportunities in the future and this was able to happen due to the hard work of all the participants. The mode of communication and marketing used was through direct or the use of mouth and through social media that proved to be highly effective due to the high turn-up of people.
No risk or danger was posed during the event as to high cautiousness was undertaken to see that all guests, participants and all the children in general were safe and sound during the happenings of this event. In addition, the first team including the finance minister ensured that all licenses were in place and they were paid for in advance discriminating the risks of bending any rules that could have affected the event in any negative way. There were first aiders present in case of any accident or injuries during the games or dancing activities.
The expected lessons that all key participants were expected to gather from the event was trustworthiness within themselves, team building and the creation of confidence and awareness among themselves in order to create a harmonious and fruitful society for all. This proved to have worked as planned because a certain number of amounts were raised and guests and participants were directly involved in the sports and dancing activities.
After the event, opinions were drawn from some guests and participants and according to the statements drawn from them, the event seem to have posed great positive impacts in them as well as improving their social attitudes and skills.

The Event

i) Introduction

The event that took place on 23 Feb this year seemed to have been a success because the tickets were totally sold out and all the promises posed to the guests were completed. Some of these promises included prizes that were to be offered to all games and activities participants that came generally from donors who were not all present during the event. Entertainment was present, food and beverages that were available to all guests and ushering from the youth was also available, which its main aim was to ensure that all guests and participants were happy and stably comfortable up to the completion of the event.

ii) Objectives

According to (Accordia & Reid, 2009 pp 1), when professional management is directly involved with the setting of objectives and goals, the final results are always a success since all participants are placed and tasked with their own personal goals that all adhere to the main objective. However, the main objectives and goals of the event was to raise charity, make all guests and participants enjoy themselves to the fullness and attract over one hundred persons or donors in order to donate an amount of 600 to 1000 pounds.
(Accordia & Reid, 2009 pp. 3) argues that an organization has to have clear and set goals or objectives that act as a drive in order for all persons involved directly or indirectly adhere to the organization’s policies so as to achieve future success and profitability. Therefore, for this event to be a success, the set goals acted as the drive that pushed all key players. For example, the money raised was for charity only, all guests were entertained, they seemed to have enjoyed themselves fully, all participants were treated equally, and they were all expected to participate in the events one hundred percent.

iii) Charity

(Smith & Schwarz, 2012 pp. 559) claim that when donors and guests are allowed to know the cause and directions of the donations that they are asked to give out, they are also granted the opportunity to donate more than expected. However, they also claim that the intentions that one knows a lot about the donations decreases chances of mistrust and at the same time improving the donors ability to become highly participatory in the event and donate more so that the event can meet its standards and achieve its set objectives and goals. This event for that matter, used the same strategy and planning because all card were laid to the table disregarding the fact that a case of vulnerability was able. The results seemed to have been a success because all donors participated positively and they were later proved to that, their donations were used according to the goals set by the organization.

iv) The Target Market

According to (Bose, 2012 pp. 114), it is imperative for any organization to have a target market in order to achieve its set goals as well as improving its clients life and standards to a certain level. In addition, the target market although possess high and stiff competitors, in order for any organization to beat its competitors and win, its strategic planning ought to stand out and adhere to its clients needs and standards. Therefore, the market for this event was primarily open to anyone but the major target was students and in contrast to this, people of all ages attended the event tagging long their close friends and families.

v) Marketing Strategy

(Jaakola, 2006 pp. 2) claim that planning and strategizing in any organization’s market is imperative because it is the major key that drives the organization into the completion of the set goals and the success as well. However, during the event, the main strategy used was word of mouth and the use of social media such as facebook. (Poquette, 2013 pp. 3) states that many organization in this current days rely on the use of social media due to its impact in marketing. The author also argue that these organizations when they become persistence in the use of social media, they become influential reaching even the lowest consumer and thus achieving their goal and influencing their future’s activities in a positive manner.
The event majorly concerned with the use of facebook as its marketing tools posting the events dates and schedules also acknowledging that persons of all ages and status were all invited to the event. In addition to this, the payment for the tickets were also done through the use of social media by the creation of a link system that enabled this to happen. Social media proved to be highly effective because word seemed to be passing quickly by the sharing of the event’s posts on happening from people on facebook to their friends. However, this method was termed as the most efficient and effective of all methods used to market the event.

vi) Risk Assessments

(Oliver et al) states that there are certain processes that are undergone in risk assessments. The authors argue that these stages include the nature of the risks, the risk itself, its degree and the impact it poses or the effects it can pose to an organization. During and before the event, all these natures were critically analyzed therefore minimizing risks that could have been damaging and that could have affected the organization in a negative manner.
There were certain risks that were identified and they were tackled before they became effective in negative manner. such risks include slipping and falling while gaming and sporting activities were going on and underage drinking since there was availability of alcohol content for adults. The first risk was minimized by creating a different room that had a rough floor and the floor ensured that no person could have slipped or fallen. The second risk however, was minimized by keeping off alcohol contents away from underage kids and management also ensured that drinking was practiced accordingly so that no person could overdo it and pose a threat in any way.

Performance Indicators

(Baroudi, 2014 pp. 38) argue that in order to know and evaluate the performance of any organization, it has to be measured first and acknowledged in order to know the right outcome. The author also states that measuring the performance is not enough since it also has to develop effectiveness and this is done by critically eliminating all obstacles or problems that are involved within the performance. These problems can be simply put out by setting goals and working in teams in order to identify the problems involved so as to eliminate them and focus on the organizations performance.
(Tum et al pp. 241) also argues that in order to measure the organization’s performance, there is need to know the environment as a whole and to become aware of the unitended outcomes meaning that the results might be unpredictable and plans might not adhere to how they were set. However, the knowledge involved in knowing the environment fully, ensures that risks are minimized and future successes are also available by setting achievable goals. \
An example of performance evaluation is that during the event, targets and goals were set such as achieving a certain amount of money and this set goals were evaluated after the event was over. According to the high amount of money raised by the donors, it is clear that these donors were satisfies with the prizes and gifts that they were presented upon after their participation in the events. In addition, stating the exact of figure that was raised on that day posed opportunities of other fundraising and participation of other donors because the organization was clear of their plans and objectives and how they were planning to put the raised amount in use. However, positive attitudes were also drawn in all attendees because everyone within the crowd was given a chance to put their hands on gifts no matter their failures in various activities.
Due to the high sales of tickets, the money drawn from these tickets ensured that all plans were being adhered to and if by any chance there were cases where extra funds were required, the money was used to cover that extra part. The remaining money raised in ticket sales also ensured that there was enough space and room to fit all guests, entertainment activities were fully covered and food and beverages were available in adequate so as to sustain all attendees.
Feedback from all the guests seemed to be positive because their feedback information was drawn from their social media activities where the majority claimed that the event was one of a kind and life changing as well. The first team felt that they had fully achieved their goals after they had drawn feedback from guests and attendees feeling a sense of gratitude and wanting to host more events alike in order to create positive impacts within the society.
Analyzing the exact number of attendees was impossible because it was unclear of how many tickets were sold out and how many in numbers did not attend even after acquiring the ticket. Due to the fact that the event was happening on a weekday, some attendees were not able to arrive on time while others were not able to arrive at all due to class lessons and others who work. However, a high number of attendees later appeared during the night proving that all attendees were fully participatory and positive feedback were drawn from them and the team in general felt gratitude due to the high turn up even if not all showed up.

The Methods used for Evaluation

(Mavin, Lee & Robson) points out that there are three major methods that are used in evaluation. One of the method is quantitative, the second method is qualitative and the third is benchmarking.

i) Quantitative Methods

According to (Mavin, Lee & Robson), quantitative methods of evaluation are solely based on data that enables verification in a specific and exact manner. However, (Wilson, 2012) claim that the numerical data drawn includes the exact amount of money raised in the event, the number of attendees and the number of tickets sold plus the amount of money acquired from the tickets.

ii) Qualitative Methods

(Mavin, Lee & Robson) also argue that qualitative method is the exact opposite of quantitative because it highly deals with unquantifiable data meaning that the data drawn through this method, can only be interpreted but the exact figure cannot be drawn out. For example, the attendees’ behavior and their feedback can be categorized within this method and this may include if the guests or the attendees were satisfied with the events outcomes or not.

iii) Benchmarking

According to (Mavin, Lee & Robson), benchmarking involves the use of comparison of the outcomes. For example, an organization can use benchmarking to compare if the performance was poor or successful. However, during the event, benchmarking was used by comparing other events that are related and are similar with the same event. Participants were sent out to attend other events outside in order to compare the last outcomes with this particular event and due to this, the organization was able to know their competitors and acknowledge the weakness and strengths involved in order to improve their performances of other events in the near future.


The results drawn from all these methods were all different and they were later analyzed in order for future purposes.

i) Quantitative Results

The number of tickets sold recordings was not clear but the high turn-up during the night proved that 80% of the tickets were sold and all attendees who acquired these tickets were able to attend as well. However, not all participants were satisfied due to this and those who were not, criticized themselves.
The amount of money raised in the event was enough to meet all the requirements and achieve all the set goals. However, this was categorized in the quantitative evaluation process and all participants, team players were able to double the number of the set amount, and this satisfied not only the management, but also the sponsors who felt that their participation led to the increase in funds.
(Mavin, Lee & Robinson) claim that quantitative data gathering can only be interpreted in a statistical way. However, analysis were drawn out from the feedback that were provided by the guests and these stated that nine out of ten guests were fully satisfied with the happenings of the events. The one person out of the ten persons who were not satisfied claimed that the food and beverages provided did not meet their standards or that they were allergic to that type of food
All team players and participants agreed that the assessments of risks were successful because there were no cases of injuries and for this reason, the plans laid out to avoid risks were termed as great and can be employed in future events. Therefore, the results drawn from these plans and strategies are quantitative because they involve the use of exact numerical data that were recorded during outcome findings.

ii) Qualitative Results

Feedback from the guests and other attendees were imperative because they were able to provide enough measurements of how the results were. Qualitative evaluation was achieved through the use of social media where most of the attendees stated what and how they felt about the event and nearly eighty percent of social media opinions claimed that they were all satisfied fully. The remaining twenty percent who claimed that they were not one hundred percent convinced that the event met their standards, are the ones who had lost their directions while trying to arrive to the event and others felt that the type of food and drinks served did not meet their standards since some were allergic to them.
All team members and other low participants were all assigned with different tasks that were expected to satisfy the overall goal. According to (Baroudi, 2014 pp. 54), a team leader is expected to monitor, govern and evaluate all tasks allocated to team players ensuring that they all meet the required specifications in order to achieve the major goal. During the event, governing and control of minor tasks that were effective to the major tasks were carried out ensuring that everything was right on schedule although the event ran back on time due to minor misunderstandings but the guests had no knowledge of this and they continued to enjoy their time accordingly.
Finally, observations and analysis were drawn from the general environment stating that all was according to plan and even some activities exceeded the attendees’ expectations. The team players and participants were therefore satisfied due to this and according to (Mavin, Lee & Robinson), this type of evaluation is effective and efficient since it does not only allow the relying of guests’ opinions only, but also how the environment feels and seems like from the team members point of view.

iii) Benchmarking Results

Since benchmarking involves the comparison between two similar events that serve the same goals and objectives, results drawn from this method seemed to be clear and effective and that’s could be of use for future purposes. (Mavin, Lee & Robinson) claim that measuring activities and their impacts within the same kind of events is imperative because it provides the exact weakness and strengths that an organization possesses.
Using the method, results were found that other attended events that are similar to this and that was attended by some team players proved that their prizing for various activities differed in various ways and did not necessarily meet all attendees’ standards. However, comparing this to the main event, prizes, foods and drinks were of high standards proving that the strategic planning used differed in a positive manner from others.
Other findings that were drawn from this was that since the main event was clear and precise of their exact figure of money and the laid plans of how the money was to be used, other outside attended events were not clear and their final results were as rewarding as they opted. Money raised in the main event was over one thousand pounds while the money raised in other outside events were less than that proving that the strategic planning involved differed in a major way.
Pricing considerations of the tickets also affected the performance of the event because outside events provided tickets that were somehow high in price. For example, tickets for outside events were double the price of the main event and due to this, outside event’s turn up seemed to be low than the main event. In addition, the main event reduced their spending costs because the management ensured that the tickets were printed by their own team players whilst that of outside events proved to be costly since they hired outside designers to design and print their tickets.


Risks were minimized and they seemed not to be an issue because all precautions were taken and adhered to ensuring that cases that could have led to losses or dissatisfaction of all attendees were avoided. According to (Oliver et al), in order to avoid and or minimize potential risks in any activity, analyzing both sides of a situation is the key strategic plan that helps in this. For example, drinks that contained alcohol were served to guests who were of age discriminating the ones who had not yet reached the right age during that time. However, cases where minors were caught trying to drink this kind of drinks were taken seriously and this matter was allocated to the supervisors who later would allocate some team players to serve and control how these drinks were being consumed. In other cases, slippery floor seemed to pose a major threat to dancers and the guests who seemed to be in interested in full participation of activities but a plan was laid out in order to eradicate this risk. A room that had a rough floor was provided for these activities and this ensured that there were no cases of injuries due to falling.

Ethics and Laws

(Jones, 2014 pp. 367) claims that the reason for increased setting of policies and implementation of ethics are many. The author also argues that without these ethics, safety measures and precautions could not be undertaken leaving room for mistakes and errors that are harmful to the organization as a whole. Therefore, during the event planning, ethics of safety rules and health were adhered to ensuring that if there were cases of dangers posed during the event, team members were supposed to report of it and the team leader was supposed to act accordingly.

Overall Outcome

There were successes and some few failures experienced during this event. They are as follows.


•The use of social media to advertise and market the event seemed to be a success because according to the majority of the turned up guests, they gathered information about the event through social media.
•Diverse skills that were possessed by team players seemed to be effective in a positive way because some of them who designed and printed the tickets cut off some costly finances ensuring that the event had enough back up finance in case of anything.
•The donors who were kind enough to contribute accordingly improved the event’s quality by ensuring that more funds were acquired in case there were extra money needed to run any other activities or to boost the event economically.
•The line of contacts that the participants held was effective because due to them, the Charity and Event was a success and outside guests who were not even expected to appear arrived and donated accordingly.
•The wide contacts also enabled the event and the management to acquire a spacious venue where the event took place and this venue was acquired at a lower price considering the amount of people it held during the event.
•Not all guests stayed to see the completion of the event and this somehow decreased the motivation of some team members who felt that their hard work was in vain.
•Not all planned activities went according to the way the laid plans were. For example, during entertainment, the band was late to set up and start their performances that drew the events back in matter of time.

Personal Learning Outcomes

I personally feel that I have a lot from this event and that I have achieved enough due to the positive influence that has been posed upon me by this charity event. With teamwork, we were able to achieve what we would call a high turn-up because it was the first time I ever participated in organizing and managing such an event. I can confidently say that all the plans we had set were successful and the event went as planned even though there were obstacles placed and as a team we learnt that these obstacles can be easily overcome by setting things differently the next time we host such an event.
All obstacles placed upon our way affected us as a whole but we later learnt that they should not affect us and that it was not such a major deal because fortunately, the attendees seemed to have enjoyed their day and night. This implies that not all our hard work went to waste and the positive feedback drawn from guests and outside attendees pointed out that, we did such a great work that changed the lives of some particular beings. In addition to this, we also learnt that sticking to all the laid out goals and plans do pay off and that evaluating the number of guests that could turn up was not such a good idea. This was measured by the number of tickets sold divided by the number of people who attended. Also, this was also measured by the amount of food that remained meaning that available food during the event was high regarding the total number of attendees.
Another reason that I claim that the night was a success, was because I gained confidence that I lacked before. This happened with public speaking and the use of a microphone that I used to pass messages and inform guests of the ongoing of the event. However, my close friends, family members and some attendees commented on my good work that also boosted my confidence to another level stating that I did a perfect job even considering that it was my first time.
Acting as the team leader within the team ensured that I was appointed with great tasks and responsibilities that I was supposed to see through to the end of them. This boosted my courage because I was able to deal with vast numbers of people who some were difficult to control but they all came through positively to the completion of the event. In contrast to this, those team players who were no giving it their all and who acted rebelliously, left out their parts that they were supposed to play leaving me with more extra responsibilities since I had to locate others in order o allocate them to the left out parts. Finally, from this I learnt that as a team leader, one is expected to act maturely and be aware that not all people can be participatory in an activity and that not all can be able to fulfill their promises accordingly. This lesson ensured that I would not ever again criticize myself for the wrong doings of others.

Recommendations for other Future Events

The following are recommendations that are placed and put down in order to run other events in the future and see that those events are a success.

•Ensure that all plans and strategies are laid out to all participants in order for them to know and acknowledge the parts and become aware of what is expected from them.\
•It is imperative to ask for assistance and guidance from others who are experienced in the management and the organization of such events. This can be done by attending other events and analyze their organizations as well as taking the steps of asking the management of how it is done.
Increase networks of people who have been in the industry for quite a while because this can prove to be effective since the lessons learnt from them can help in overcoming obstacles.
•Ensure that all resources, materials and equipments to be used are in good shape as this helps in efficiency and the elimination of minor risks that can proved to decrease the motivation of participants.
•Since not all guests arrive at the arranged exact time, it is imperative not to exhaust all resources that are available in order to maximize efficiency. For instance, entertainment activities are supposed to be carried out after over 75% of attendees are around.
•It is imperative to predict the number of guests that might appear because not all may appear leaving some resources unused. In contrast, it is also imperative to view the opposite side of this because the number of attendees may be high as well meaning that the resources available could not be enough and could not satisfy all attendees.
•Laying out the right directions to all attendees and guests is imperative before the event is due because they are left with ample time to analyze and research where the event is taking place. This also provides them with assurance that they will not lose any directions during the event’s day.
•Finally, it is important to understand and know that the right amount of food and beverages required because some guests may prove not to be fully satisfied while others who arrive late may miss refreshments. In addition, it also to lay out the type of drinks and food served in case there are guests who are allergic to some type of food or drinks. These type of guests can later be treated according to their needs so as harmonious objectivity is achieved in the organization.

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