Exploratory data analysis
The analyzes of explorative data provide critical techniques for preparing raw data to be interpreted in a more inferential way. This technique leads to the reduction of dimensionality through the creation of factors and indices. The ISSP (2009) Canadian social survey provides data on various topics such as success in life and tension between different groups of people who use different questions. The paper focuses on reducing variables' dimension through the creation and reliability analysis of weighted factors to advance life and construct a conflict index. Factor Analysis for Getting ahead From the “Total explained Variance” table in the appendix section there the eigenvalues greater than 1 indicates that the getting ahead concept can reduced to five factors. Using the “Rotated Component matrix” in the appendix variables with correlation ≥ 0.600 were included since they indicated strongly correlation. Table 1 below indicates a summary for variables include under each factors: Note variables “Getting ahead: How important is a wealthy family” and “Getting ahead: People have equal chance of getting into university” were include since the correlations were less than 0.600.
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Getting ahead: How imp. is knowing the right people |
Getting ahead: Have to be corrupt to get to the top |
Getting ahead: How imp. is a person's race |
Getting ahead: How imp. is well-educated parents |
Getting ahead: How imp. is ambition |
Getting ahead: How imp. is political connections |
Getting ahead: If from best sec school, have good chance to obtain uni edu |
Getting ahead: How imp. is a person's religion |
Getting ahead: How imp. a good education yourself |
Getting ahead: How imp. is hard work |
Getting ahead: How imp. is giving bribes |
Getting ahead: Only rich can afford costs of attending uni |
Getting ahead: How imp.is being born a man or woman |
Factors for getting a head in life as outlined by the above variables include using:
- Connections
- Corruption
- Social constructs
- Education background
- Self-motivation
Creating the conflict index
A reliability analysis was conducted to determine the conflict items (variables) required to construct the index. In this case, the highest Cronbach’s Alpha =0.780 obtained after deleting the variable “Conflicts: between poor people and rich people”. The Conflict index was computed by adding up the other three variables.
Prepare variables Regression analysis
The conflict index constructed from the above section was used as the dependent variable after assigning it the scale level of measurement. The age of respondent was used as independent variable. Note those who refused responded were assigned as missing values.
Regression Analysis
The ANOVA output indicate test statistic F (1, 408) =5.059, p = 0.025. This information indicates that the model is statistically significant. The regression coefficients for age indicate that the conflict index increases by 0.022 units whenever the age of the respondent increases by a year. The model equation:
Factor Analysis outputs:
Total Variance Explained |
Component |
Initial Eigenvalues |
Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings |
Rotation Sums of Squared Loadings |
Total |
% of Variance |
Cumulative % |
Total |
% of Variance |
Cumulative % |
Total |
% of Variance |
Cumulative % |
1 |
3.541 |
23.604 |
23.604 |
3.541 |
23.604 |
23.604 |
2.086 |
13.906 |
13.906 |
2 |
1.934 |
12.895 |
36.499 |
1.934 |
12.895 |
36.499 |
1.921 |
12.806 |
26.712 |
3 |
1.295 |
8.632 |
45.131 |
1.295 |
8.632 |
45.131 |
1.826 |
12.173 |
38.884 |
4 |
1.150 |
7.663 |
52.794 |
1.150 |
7.663 |
52.794 |
1.679 |
11.194 |
50.079 |
5 |
1.075 |
7.167 |
59.961 |
1.075 |
7.167 |
59.961 |
1.482 |
9.883 |
59.961 |
7 |
.824 |
5.491 |
71.776 |
12 |
.494 |
3.295 |
91.794 |
13 |
.433 |
2.883 |
94.677 |
14 |
.420 |
2.801 |
97.479 |
15 |
.378 |
2.521 |
100.000 |
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. |
Rotated Component Matrixa |
Component |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Getting ahead: How imp. is a wealthy family |
.590 |
.108 |
.054 |
.495 |
-.140 |
Getting ahead: How imp. is well-educated parents |
.180 |
.161 |
.147 |
.809 |
.024 |
Getting ahead: How imp. a good education yourself |
.004 |
-.089 |
.014 |
.770 |
.287 |
Getting ahead: How imp. is ambition |
.046 |
-.051 |
.029 |
.172 |
.734 |
Getting ahead: How imp. is hard work |
.088 |
-.003 |
-.008 |
.017 |
.862 |
Getting ahead: How imp. is knowing the right people |
.714 |
.045 |
.108 |
.143 |
.209 |
Getting ahead: How imp. is political connections |
.771 |
.089 |
.122 |
.100 |
.149 |
Getting ahead: How imp. is giving bribes |
.636 |
.171 |
.275 |
-.105 |
-.132 |
Getting ahead: How imp. is a person's race |
.373 |
.118 |
.710 |
-.018 |
.035 |
Getting ahead: How imp. is a person's religion |
.112 |
.099 |
.790 |
-.024 |
.009 |
Getting ahead: How imp.is being born a man or woman |
.070 |
.069 |
.699 |
.330 |
-.004 |
Getting ahead: Have to be corrupt to get to the top. |
.066 |
.655 |
.259 |
-.022 |
.036 |
Getting ahead: If from best sec school, have good chance to obtain uni edu. |
.045 |
.742 |
.106 |
.045 |
-.109 |
Getting ahead: Only rich can afford costs of attending uni. |
.147 |
.778 |
.038 |
-.004 |
.026 |
Getting ahead: Ppl have equal chances to enter university. |
-.044 |
-.470 |
.037 |
-.055 |
.015 |
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization. |
a. Rotation converged in 6 iterations. |
Reliability Analysis: Indexing output
Item-Total Statistics |
Scale Mean if Item Deleted |
Scale Variance if Item Deleted |
Corrected Item-Total Correlation |
Squared Multiple Correlation |
Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted |
Conflicts: between poor people and rich people |
8.77 |
9.328 |
.606 |
.418 |
.780 |
Conflicts: between working class and middle class. |
8.55 |
9.991 |
.640 |
.450 |
.773 |
Conflicts: between management and workers. |
9.04 |
8.706 |
.682 |
.496 |
.744 |
Conflicts: btwn ppl at top of society and ppl at bottom. |
8.99 |
7.467 |
.655 |
.472 |
.769 |
Regression output:
Model Summary |
Model |
R |
R Square |
Adjusted R Square |
Std. Error of the Estimate |
1 |
.111a |
.012 |
.010 |
3.06540 |
a. Predictors: (Constant), R: Age |
Model |
Sum of Squares |
df |
Mean Square |
F |
Sig. |
1 |
Regression |
47.534 |
1 |
47.534 |
5.059 |
.025b |
Residual |
3833.844 |
408 |
9.397 |
Total |
3881.378 |
409 |
a. Dependent Variable: Conflict index |
b. Predictors: (Constant), R: Age |
Coefficientsa |
Model |
Unstandardized Coefficients |
Standardized Coefficients |
t |
Sig. |
B |
Std. Error |
Beta |
1 |
(Constant) |
7.691 |
.513 |
14.998 |
.000 |
R: Age |
.022 |
.010 |
.111 |
2.249 |
.025 |
a. Dependent Variable: Conflict index |
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